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Jurnal Agrotek UMMat
ISSN : 23562234     EISSN : 26146541     DOI : -
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Jurnal AGROTEK UMMat merupakan salah satu jurnal yang dikelola oleh Fakultas Pertanian UM Mataram yang membawahi dua program studi yakni prodi Teknologi Hasil Pertanian(THP) dan Teknologi Pertanian , Jurnal ini sudah memiliki ISSN 2356-2234 (print) , ISSN 2614-6541 (online) , untuk jurnal online terbit pertama kali di bulan Februari 2018. Jurnal AGROTEK terbit dua kali setahun yakni bulan Februari dan Agustus. Redaksi menerima artikel baik dari kalangan praktisi maupun akademisi terkait bidang pertanian berupa hasil penelitian, studi kepustakaan maupun tulisan ilmiah terkait rekayasa pertanian,mesin-mesin pertanian,dll.
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Pengaruh aplikasi pupuk hayati mikoriza dan pupuk fosfor terhadap produksi tanaman kedelai (Glycine max L. Meriil) Lince R Panataria; Efbertias Sitorus; Meylin Saragih; Jose Sitorus
Jurnal Agrotek Ummat Vol 9, No 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jau.v9i1.7043


This study aims to determine the production of soybeans with the application of mycorrhizal biological fertilizers and P fertilizers on the production of soybeans (Glycine max L. Meriil). This experiment was carried out at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Indonesian Methodist University, from August–October 2018. This study used a Randomized Block Design (RAK) consisting of Mycorrhiza (M) namely M0: 0 g/plant (control); M1: 5 g/plant; M2: 10 g/plant; M3: 15g/plant and Fertilizer (P), namely P0: 0 g/plant (control); P1:0.25 g/plant; P2: 0.5 g/plant; P3: 0.75 g/plant. All treatment combinations were 12 combinations and each treatment combination was repeated 3 times. Variables observed in this study include: flowering age (days); seed production per sample (g); seed production per plot (g); dry weight of 100 seeds (g). The experimental results showed that the interaction between mycorrhizal application and application of NPK fertilizer had a significant effect on seed production per sample, seed production per plot, dry weight of 100 seeds and not significantly different with flowering age. The highest seed production per sample was found in the M3P3 treatment of 26.32 g, the highest seed production per plot was found in the M3P2 treatment of 161.80 g and the highest dry weight of 100 seeds was found in the M3P3 treatment of 25.60 g. The mycorrhizal biofertilizer application treatment showed that the fastest flowering time was found in the M3 treatment, namely 36.58 days and 36.92 days in the P (P3) fertilizer treatment.
Kajian sifat kimia brownies panggang dengan substitusi mocaf dan tepung kelor Afe Dwiani; Ni Luh Putu Sherly Yuniartini
Jurnal Agrotek Ummat Vol 9, No 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jau.v9i1.6731


Brownies are wheat-based snack products that prefer by peoples. The need for wheat increased every year. One of the local flours that can reduce people's dependence on the use of wheat is mocaf /modified cassava flour. Brownies have a high carbohydrate and fat content but a low vitamin and mineral content. Therefore, the addition of moringa leaf flour is need. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of substitution of mocaf and moringa leaf flour on the chemical quality of brownies. The treatment of this study is the combination of flour, mocaf and moringa leave flour become six treatment, namely A0 = 50% flour : 50% mocaf : 0 moringa leaf flour (control), A1 = 47,5% flour : 47,5% mocaf : 5% moringa leaf flour, A2 = 45% flour : 45% mocaf : 10% moringa leaf flour, A3 = 42,5% flour : 42,5% mocaf : 15 % moringa leaf flour, A4 = 40% flour : 40% mocaf : 20% moringa leaf flour and A5 = 37,5% flour : 37,5% mocaf : 25% moringa leaf flour.  The study results  show  that  the addition of moringa leaf flour significantly  influences  the  chemical properties (moisture, ash and protein content) on brownies. According to standard (SNI), the best treatment for water content is A0 treatment (wheat flour 50%: mocaf 50%: moringa leaf flour 0%) with a value of 25.21%, for ash and protein content are produced by A5 treatment (wheat flour 37.5%: mocaf 37.5%: moringa leaf flour 25%) with the value respectively are 2.80%  and 6.68%.
Penggunaan beberapa cendawan endofit untuk menekan penyakit layu pada jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) di lahan gambut Iman Suswanto; Tris Haris Ramadhan
Jurnal Agrotek Ummat Vol 9, No 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jau.v9i1.6894


Efforts to overcome R. solanacearum which causes bacterial wilt (BW) in ginger in peatlands are through a strategy to suppress the initial population. One of the efforts is to use endophytic fungi (CE) as biological control agents. This study aims to examine the use of several endophytic fungi isolates from pepper to suppress bacterial wilt disease and improve the growth of ginger. The treatment of CE biological agents in the form of Aspergillus spp., Fusarium sp., T. harzianum, and T. viride to suppress wilt disease in vivo and the use of biological agents as biofertilizers in the field. The source of the pathogenic bacterium P. solanacearum was obtained from samples of wilted rhizomes from community ginger field isolated on NA media. This study was arranged based on a completely randomized design with five replications. The research variables were wilt disease severity, plant height, number of leaves, number of stems, stem diameter & rhizome weight. The results showed that R. solanacearum caused symptoms after an incubation period of 9 days after inoculation. The four CE isolates were able to suppress the symptoms of ginger wilt in the range of 70-80%. The use of CE isolate was also able to improve the growth of ginger, but it has not been followed by an increase in the production of ginger rhizomes. It is suggested that the use of CE as a biofertilizer needs to be increased in the frequency of its application.
Aplikasi pemberian pupuk organik dan pemotongan umbi terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi bawang merah (Allium ascolonicum L.) di lahan kering Iin Siti Aminah; Rosmiah Rosmiah; Berliana Palmasari; Dinda Delfina
Jurnal Agrotek Ummat Vol 9, No 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jau.v9i1.6738


Red onion (Allium ascalonicum L.) is a spice plant whose needs as a kitchen spice continue to increase. Some of the obstacles faced in meeting community needs include the availability of inorganic fertilizer needs and seed preparation before planting. From this fact, it is necessary to cultivate through the use of organic fertilizers by cutting bulbs on shallot seeds before planting, so that it is expected to obtain the expected results. The study was conducted from May to July 2021. Field experiments were carried out using the split plot design method, as the main plot. Cutting tubers (P): P0 tubers that were not cut, P1 cutting in parts, P2 cutting in parts and subplots, namely the dose of organic chicken manure (D) D0 control, D1 15 tons/ha, D2 20 tons/ha. Plant variables include plant length (cm), number of leaves (strands). number of tubers per clump (tubers), number of tubers per plot (tubers), fresh weight of tubers per clump (g), fresh weight of tubers per plot (kg). The results showed that by giving a dose of chicken manure 20 tons/ha by cutting onion bulbs, the highest yield was 1.64 kg/plot or equivalent to 4.47 tons/ha
Uji potensi pertumbuhan beberapa varietas tanaman jagung (Zea mays) di Kabupaten Bireuen Laila Nazirah; Intan Zuhra; Halus Satriawan
Jurnal Agrotek Ummat Vol 9, No 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jau.v9i1.6471


The corn plant is one of the most important food crops other than rice and soybeans. Besides being consumed as direct food and animal feed, it is also used as raw material for other industries, such as alternative fuels, polymers, corn oil and others. This study aims to determine maize varieties that have high growth potential and yields in Bireuen District. This research was conducted from September 2020 to January 2021 in the village of Cot Kruet Makmur Subdistri, Bireuen District, Aceh Province. This study used a randomized completely block design (RCBD) consisting of 7 varietas of corn plant, namely the Bonanza variety, Royal 76 variety, Talenta Variety, Ganebo variety, Sweet Boy variety, Paragon variety, Jambore variety. The observed parameters consist of a growth component and a yield component. Growth components include: plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, and 50% flowering age. While the yield components included: weight of corn cob, length of corn with cob, number of seeds per cob, weight of cob seeds, weight of 1000 grains, and yield per hectare. The result showed that the adaptation test of several varieties of corn plant had a different effect on each observation. Jambore variety is one of the varieties tested for its adaptation in this study, this variety has great potential to be developed in Bireuen district, because the Jambore variety is able to produce the most cobbled cob result among other varieties, weighing is about 22,84 ton ha-1.
Efektivitas beberapa varietas dan pupuk mikoriza terhadap hasil jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata sturt) Ika Paridawati; Iin Siti Aminah; Nurbaiti Amir; Deni Anugerah
Jurnal Agrotek Ummat Vol 9, No 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jau.v9i1.6662


This study aims to determine the best variety and dosage of mycorrhizal fertilizer to the yield of sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.).  This research was conducted on farmer’s land in Dusun Beringin Makmur I, Kecamatan Rawas Ilir, South Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra, from October to December 2020. This study used an experimental method with a split plot design consisting of 9 treatment combinations and 3 replications.  The first factor (Main-plot) of variety (V), namely V1 = Talenta; V2 = Bonaza; V3 = Master Sweet, while the second factor (Sub-plot) is mycorrhiza fertilizer (M), namely M0 = without mycorrhiza fertilizer; M1 = 30 g per plant; M2 = 40 g per plant.  Observational in this study included the cob of lenght (cm), cob of diameters (cm), cob of weight per plant (g) and cob of weight per plot (kg).  The results showed that Bonanza variety gave the best yield on sweet corn, 40 g mycorrhizal fertilizer per plant gave the best yield on sweet corn and tabulated combination of variety and mycorhiza fertilizer 40 g per plant gave the highest yield of sweet corn at 4.22 kg per plot equivalent to 16.88 ton ha-1.
Strategi pengembangan agrowisata jeruk petik sendiri di Kecamatan Merek Kabupaten Karo Jones P Simatupang; Helena Tatcher Pakpahan; Lince R. Panataria; Donny Simatupang; Kenal Hutapea
Jurnal Agrotek Ummat Vol 9, No 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jau.v9i1.7300


Agrotourism is a series of tourism activities that develop agricultural activities as the main target of tourism. Agritourism covers various aspects of agriculture, including natural landscapes, agricultural activities, diversity in agricultural production, agricultural technology, and agricultural customs prevailing. The research purpose was to analyze and identify internal and external factors and develop appropriate strategies for orange self-picking agrotourism. The research was carried out in orange self-picked agrotourism in Merek District, Karo Regency, North Sumatra Province purposively. The research sample was 40 samples. Data analysis was carried out using the IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation), EFE (External Factor Evaluation) matrix, SWOT matrix, and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Processes). The research results determined the 12 internal factors and 12 external factors. In addition, there were 13 strategies for developing the orange self-picking agrotourism.
Aplikasi biochar sekam padi dan kombinasi pupuk urea,SP 36 dan KCl terhadap komponen hasil dan hasil tanaman jagung ketan (Zea mays Ceratina) di lahan ultisol Lusmaniar Lusmaniar; Oksilia Oksilia; Kadek Nera
Jurnal Agrotek Ummat Vol 9, No 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jau.v9i1.5773


Glutinous corn or pulut (Zea mays Ceratina) is a type of corn that is currently in demand by the public. The productivity of glutinous corn is low because corn planting is generally carried out on Ultisol type soils with acidic characteristics and poor in nutrients. This study aims to determine the effect of the application of biochar and inorganic fertilizers (urea, SP 36 and KCl on the yield and yield components of glutinous corn plants. The test method was carried out by factorial RAK with two factors. The first factor was the dose of rice husk biochar (0, 5, 10). and 15 ton ha-1) and the second factor is a combination of inorganic fertilizers (Urea, SP 36 and KCl). The treatment dose of biochar is 10 tons ha-1 and acombination of fertilizers 200 kg ha-1 Urea + 75 kg ha-1 SP-36 + 75 kg ha-1 KCl gave the best yield on plant height, number of leaves, length of cob, weight of cob per plant, weight of cob per plot.

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